Bachelor of Product Design Telkom University

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Terbit Setya Pambudi, S.T., M.Ds.

Head of S1 Product Design & Innovation Department


Welcome Remarks from The Head of Department

The Product Design & Innovation Program at Telkom University has undergone many changes since its inception, continuously aligning its programs to equip students with relevant skills and thinking processes in the creative industry. The S1 Product Design & Innovation Program prioritizes the holistic research and development process to ensure that all aspects of product design are met.

Profile Video of the S1 Product Design & Innovation Department

Supported by teaching staff who are mostly practitioners in the field of product design and creative industries, so they can directly provide industrial experience to students.

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Latest Information from Department

Seluruh Civitas Academica Program Studi S1 Desain Produk Telkom University, menyampaikan ucapan selamat kepada para Wakil Rektor Telkom University yang baru saja …

Prof. Dr. Suyanto Resmi Dilantik sebagai Rektor Telkom University Periode 2025–2030 Bandung, 28 Februari 2025 — Telkom University secara resmi melantik Prof. …

Bangkok, 16-22 Februari 2025 – Program Studi Desain Produk Telkom University kembali mengukuhkan komitmennya dalam kolaborasi global melalui partisipasi dalam International Design …

Latest Event

In order to support academic and non-academic activities of students, Tel-U issues a series of policies and provides various excellent facilities as well as diverse activity units.


Provided by the Department

Industry-Based Curriculum

Providing in-depth understanding with a relevant and responsive curriculum to industry needs.

Fieldwork Practice

Opportunity for students to apply knowledge in real work experiences.

Research and Innovation

Encouraging students to participate in research and develop innovative solutions.

Career Guidance

Providing personal support to help students plan and achieve their career goals.

Industry-Based Curriculum

Providing in-depth understanding with a relevant and responsive curriculum to industry needs.

Fieldwork Practice

Opportunity for students to apply knowledge in real work experiences.

Research and Innovation

Encouraging students to participate in research and develop innovative solutions.

Hak Kekayaan Intelektual

Mendorong mahasiswa untuk
 menghasilkan karya yang dapat menghasilkan HKI. Proses HKI ditanggung oleh pihak Universitas.

Fast Track Program

The Fast Track Program is a Masters student admission program with an educational program scheme carried out simultaneously with the Bachelor's level of education, so that the total time for both levels of education can be completed in a minimum of 10 (ten) semesters.

Professional Certification

Competency Certification in the field to support students to be ready in the world of Product Design work.

Career Guidance

Providing personal support to help students plan and achieve their career goals.

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Program Internasional

Setiap tahun Program Studi konsisten menghadirkan program internasional baik Inbound maupun uotbound, antara lain IDSC (International Design Summer Camp)

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Achievement Gallery

Discover the glory in our Achievement Gallery! Student achievements, faculty dedication, and program accomplishments -
all in one place. Inspiring, let's celebrate achievements together.

Collaboration Partners

We partner with various institutions and industries to support curriculum development and learning experiences.

Alumni Testimonials

Find inspiration from the success stories of our outstanding students here

Learn a lot about Product Design theory and practice that can be implemented in the world of work.
(Product Design 2014)

Hani Amalia Department of Trade & Industry of Bandung Regency - Design Consultant

It's really fun, especially the lecturers, who are very close to the students... like they're the same age, so... be brave in making every design project.
(Product Design 2015)

Lincah Prabowo PT INDOPRIMA GROUP - Automotive Design Staff

Tel-U Product Design is truly a study program where I found many things that are certainly useful for my career. Starting from the three-dimensional courses, design portfolios, material studies and especially the ones I use most often now are technical drawings and 3D Modeling. From this study program I also joined a student association whose knowledge is also useful in my current workplace, especially in the fields of leadership and events. Keep moving forward Tel-U Product Design!
(Product Design 2017)

Arunnia Justicia Bandung / SPP Corp - Creative Designer

My time studying Product Design at Telkom University was truly enriching. The program's comprehensive curriculum and hands-on approach allowed me to develop a deep understanding of design principles and techniques. The supportive environment and guidance from experienced faculty members nurtured my creativity and helped me realize my potential in the field of creative industries. I am grateful for the invaluable skills and knowledge I gained, which have equipped me for a successful career in the industry.
(Product Design 2019)

Muhammad Fadhil Imam VORVN Group Indonesia - Hongkong - Designer & Assistant Creative Director

Product Design is a process of innovation, in developing and designing ideas for the present and the future.
(Product Design 2010)

Hilario Agung Sulaksono PT LYDIA SOLA GRAVIA - Supervisor Rnd

Tel-U Product Design provides basic knowledge and facilitates its students with a good environment so that they are ready for various challenges in the very diverse world of work.
(Product Design 2011)

Amjad Naufal Adidas Sourcing - Manager Manufacturing Apparel

As an alumnus of Product Design at Telkom University, I am very grateful for the incredible education and opportunities. The program provided a strong foundation and invaluable practical experience. The lecturers are experts in their fields and are very supportive of my development. The balanced curriculum between theory and practice prepared me well for the working world. Internships and practical projects allowed me to apply the knowledge gained in class to real-world situations. The diverse and inclusive environment enriched my learning experience, as well as building a strong professional network. The relationships with classmates and lecturers continue to be a source of support in my career. I am proud to be an alumnus of Telkom University and highly recommend the Product Design Study Program to anyone seeking quality education in Indonesia. Thank you, Product Design - Telkom University, for an unforgettable experience.
(Product Design 2012)

Celvin Tauhid Allraysa PT Modero Integra Asia - Sourcing & Product Development

Alhamdulillah pernah berkuliah di Desain Produk, Telkom University full beasiswa jalur OSN. Kampus yang selalu memberikan vibes positif dan kreatif. Banyak kesan selama berkuliah, salah satu hal paling berkesan adalah kedisiplinan yang diajarkan dosen, sehingga didunia kerja kita terbiasa dengan schedule padat. Selain itu semua rekan kuliah, dosen, saling support ketika mengalami kendala dalam berproses menyelesaikan studi. Saya yang memulai perkuliahan pada Tahap Persiapan Bersama (TPB) sangat minim skill & pengetahuan tentang desain, disini kita diajarkan dari nol, dari cara memegang pensil, menggambar, sketsa, garis lurus hingga menjadi profesional dibidang Industri Kreatif. Karena Desain adalah sebuah proses, semua bisa dilatih “ala bisa karena terbiasa”.
(Product Design 2011)

Eko Fikry Febriandi PT SHARP ELECTRONICS INDONESIA - Senior Industrial Design


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